Chief Executive Officer

An accomplished executive leader, Joseph McGee combines successful private sector and extensive law enforcement careers. Serving with Kent Police and then the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) before going on to establish the Securitatem Group.

Specialising in Police use of Firearms and Firearms Operations. As a Specialist Firearms Officer Joseph McGee was a team member for Hostage Release, Organised Crime and Terrorist related firearms operations.

Skilled in multiple disciplines he protected UK government cabinet ministers including the Home Secretary, ex-Northern Ireland Secretary, and countless Foreign Secretaries over a 6-year period, acquiring subject matter expertise in venue and Close Protection.

Additionally, a National Firearms Instructor specialising in Advanced Breaching and Police use of Pyrotechnics. A very experienced Tactical Advisor supporting all levels of firearms command and control.

Headhunted to join SOCA as a National Firearms Instructor and National Tactical Advisor Joseph specialised in teaching the carriage and use of firearms in hostile environments.

On behalf of the Agency regularly deploying to those countries to undertake strategic risk and threat assessments. Joe spent time assessing country risk, designing training requirements and then teaching Agency staff in country. Deployments included Afghanistan, Colombia, Trinidad and other countries with hostile or sensitive environments.

An armed surveillance operative Joseph had national responsibilities to deploy throughout England and Wales for armed operations. A Tactical Advisor for the Agency during the 2012 London Olympics he was also responsible for the training of all Armed Method of Entry officers.

Upon leaving the Agency, Joseph founded Securitatem Consultancy which specialises in global protection of individuals and high value commodities. In 2019 Joseph lead the team into The Securitatem Group: a group of very specialised companies within the security industry delivering high end bespoke solutions for the private client.

Joseph has continued to be recognised for his contributions to the UK’S security industry, receiving the freedom to the city of London in 2020. An honour bestowed on those who have achieved the highest success in their chosen field. Joseph was admitted as a Liveryman to the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals in 2022, the highest level of membership within the Worshipful Company.

Joe is also a proud member of:

  • The Security Institute
  • The Institute of Leadership and Management
  • The Institute of Strategic Risk Management
  • The Chartered Management Institute
  • The Royal United Services Institute
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Nanette Moulton


Group Business Director

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