Introducing our Non-Executive Director!

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards excellence – the appointment to our board of Trevor Pearce CBE QPM as one of our latest Non-Executive Directors.

Trevor brings a wealth of expertise and a distinguished track record as former Director General of the UK’s National Crime Squad and Serious Organised Crime Agency and subsequently a Director of the National Crime Agency. With a career marked by strategic insight, innovation, and a commitment to driving growth, Trevor is set to play a pivotal role in steering our company towards even greater success.

As a non-executive director, Trevor will provide invaluable perspectives, insights, and guidance to our leadership team. His extensive experience in law enforcement, and recent experience in regulation and public board leadership as a Commissioner of the GB Gambling Commission, and Chair of UK Anti-Doping, will undoubtedly benefit our strategic discussions and decision-making processes.

Trevor’s professional background aligns with our core values and vision. Sharing our passion for driving change and delivering excellence, we are confident that his appointment will further strengthen our resolve to provide quality products and services for our clients, satisfying customer and regulatory requirements.

We believe that diversity of thought is essential for fostering innovation and driving sustainable business growth. With Trevor’s diverse professional background and unique insights, we are poised to explore new avenues, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and overcome challenges with agility and foresight.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Trevor as he embarks on this journey with us. Together, we are committed to charting new horizons, achieving milestones, and creating value for all our stakeholders.

Stay tuned as we continue to innovate, evolve, and grow with Trevor by our side!

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