+ All Security Supplier

One supplier : All security

Access every aspect of security you could ever need with us; we provide a comprehensive range of specialist services to protect every aspect of your life. Don’t be drained by the demands of multiple suppliers, in multiple countries, as we can deploy every service in unison globally for you. Every level of protection can be managed through direct contact with our private client’s manager,… Read More

+ Valuing Excellence

Valuing Excellence

Securitatem Group Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Joe McGee, has been admitted as a Liveryman to the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals. The highest level of membership within the Worshipful Company. Established in 1999, as the 108th Livery Company of the City of London, The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals unites security professionals from across the United Kingdom, promoting education and excellence to its members within the security… Read More

+ Security Provider Considerations

Top 5 Security Provider Considerations

With 300 years of collective security experience, we know more than most the requirements of operating a security service at the highest level and why it’s crucial to deliver the best for clients as a bespoke security provider. Below we have outlined our 5 most common security considerations to review: 1. Clarity from the start Be clear and concise with your requirements. Outline the… Read More

+ Upholding Compliance

Upholding Compliance

The Securitatem Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Suzanne Constable as Head of Compliance. Suzanne joins the group following a prestigious 20-year career as a corporate governance specialist and consultant, with expertise in strategic planning and change. Over that time Suzanne spent six years leading transformation in the National Crime Agency and two years transforming Anti-Doping in the UK. Suzanne will work… Read More

+ Growing Our Team

Growing our team

Since the beginning of 2022, we have seen the expediential growth of our organisation and existing capabilities. Within our consultancy division, we have created two entirely new roles, Security Operations Advisor and Private Clients Manager, both with a leading role in the future delivery of our bespoke security services. Our private clients manager supports every aspect of our client’s needs and works closely to… Read More

+ Bespoke Services

Why our services are bespoke

We look to deliver a completely bespoke service to every individual and organisation we work with. Every project is created from scratch and built around the unique needs and demands present. We look to support all our client’s security considerations with a flexible and innovative response. We custom-make every aspect of our operational delivery, including the package of services we propose, how they are… Read More

+ Supporting Charities

Supporting Important Causes

At The Securitatem Group, we are proud to support the vital work of numerous charitable organisations. We hand-pick initiatives that accord with our core values; acting with courage, driving change, supporting a vision, and growth without compromise. We aim to aid each organisation in the most effective way, whether that is supporting a charity auction, providing equipment for their work or with donations. Medway… Read More

+ Family Security

Taking care of the whole family

At the Securitatem Group we have a complete range of services designed to protect what is most important to you… your family. What is family security? Family security service can be physical, financial, operational, or training that is designed and delivered to your individual family’s requirements. Why is family security important? With a heightened profile individuals or organisations could pose a threat to you… Read More

+ Titan HQ

Secure With Titan HQ

Protecting our digital infrastructure safeguards our staff, clients, suppliers and contacts online. We continue to be committed to a secure email network throughout our group. We have recently upgraded our existing Titan HQ Spam filter, giving even more security to those we protect. The multi-award winning email security solution provides a 5 star service including:

+ Securitatem Group Planters

Securitatem Group Planters

At The Securitatem Group, we are proud to sponsor a number of flower planters within the picturesque village of Harrietsham, Kent.   The 5 planters which adorn the village, located besides our head office, is a valued tradition within the community going back several years. As a group, we are keen to be involved within the local area and actively support business initiatives. The stunning planters… Read More

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